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AC/DC Power Supply ESP8266 4 Channel Relay Module ESP-12F Wifi Development Board 5V/8-80V
Onboard mature and stable ESP-12F WIFI module, large capacity 4M BYTE FLASH;The I/O port of the WIFI..
ESP32 WiFi Bluetooth Development Board Module With 18650 lithium Battery Shield
ESP-WROOM-32Wi-fi + Bluetooth18650 charging system integrated.indicate LED inside(Green means full&a..
ESP32 Wifi Bluetooth Temperature Humidity Soil Moisture Sensor Detection Module
Bluetooth wifi development board, support for Nodumcu / for ArduinoDHT11 temperature and humidity se..
ESP32-CAM Wi-fi module OV2640
The ESP32-CAM is a small size, low power consumption camera module based on ESP32. It comes with an ..
IOT NodeMCU Starter Kit
Package list: 1x ESP8266 WIFI NODEMCU Board (this kit only have one ESP8266 WIFI NODEMCU Board ..
Leonardo R3 ATmega32U4 Development Board
Compared to other versions of the Arduino using a separate USB-Serial converter chip, the Leonardo i..
Mega2560 Pro ATmega2560-16AU
Embedded version of Mega 2560 CH340G / ATmega2560-compatible with Mega 2560 board. Built in ATmega25..
Pradedančiojo rinkinys su RFID komplektu ir Arduino UNO
Puikus rinkinys pradedantiems su Arduino. Komplektą sudaro Arduino UNO valdiklis, maketavimo reikmen..
Pro Micro ATmega32U4 5V/16MHz
Features:ATMega 32U4 running at 5V/16MHzSupported under for Arduino IDE v1.0.1On-Board MINI USB conn..
Raspberry Pi Pico RP2040 Cortex M0+ without GPIO
FeaturesRP2040 microcontroller chip designed by Raspberry Pi in the United KingdomDual-core ARM Cort..
Raspberry Pi Pico W RP2040 ARM Cortex M0+ CYW43439 WiFi
Features:RP2040 microcontroller with 2MB of flash memoryOn-board single-band 2.4GHz wireless interfa..
STM32F103C8T6 ARM STM32 Minimum System Development Board
Model: STM32F103C8T6Kernel: ARM32 bit Cortex™-M3CPUSize: 22.86mm x 53.34mm Debug Mode: SWD ..
Tenstar Robot Mega 2560 R3 (micro USB)
Viena iš populiariausių valdiklių plokščių MEGA 2560. Mikrovaldiklis: ATmega2560-16AUDarbinė įt..
UNO R3 ATmega328P SMD
UNO R3 populiariausias valdiklis tinka tiek pradedantiesiems tiek pažengusiems. Mikrovaldiklis: ATme..
UNO R3 ATmega328P/CH340G (MicroUSB)
Mikrovaldiklis: ATmega328PDarbinė įtampa: 5VRekomenduojama maitinimo įtampa - 7-12VRibota maitinimo ..